Thursday, October 1, 2015

This I believe essay

I determine who I am, who I am going to be, and who I have been in the past. A blank canvas and I hold the brush. From day to day I paint my picture, from day to day my skill changes, and from day to day I add to my gallery. Each stroke of the brush determines accomplishments, disappointments, and experiences through my life. Each dip of a different color represents feelings, just like the fruits of the spirit, things such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. With these colors I can paint a beautiful picture each day of my life, and God never stops supplying me with these colors. I make it my purpose to paint a better picture today than yesterday, and improve each skill each day. My motivation comes through relationships. Relations with friends, relations with family, and relations with people from day to day. Sometimes I have no control of how the picture looks at the end of the day, but that does not keep me from staying with it the next. I paint each picture as if it were my last, and make every stroke count as I go. Maybe someday this art will influence others in the right direction.

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