Monday, December 7, 2015


                        This year my dad and I went elk hunting in Colorado with some buddies of ours. It was my first experience in the mountains, and was very exciting. When we arrived there well into the night, we could hear elk bugling all around the camp ground we were staying at. We set up camp and went to bed that night, ready for morning to come. That next day, I headed out on my first expedition in the mountainous terrain. I climbed the closest mountain to camp in just a few hours, and was looking down on camp by midday. I had a cow call and had seen some mule deer and elk on the way up to the top. Before long I was able to get a bull to answer me and the chase was on. I don't know for sure how many miles I traveled that day, but I went all over two mountains that were side by side. I got close enough to some cows to get a shot, but never saw the bull, even though he was bugling at me less than one hundred yards away. The cows ended up busting me and I was unable to get them to answer me anymore; plus, it was getting dark and I was miles away from camp on the top of a mountain. Thankfully, though, going down a mountain is much easier than going up one. By the time I got to camp, I was wore out like no other time in my life, but I had a lot of fun. The next two days I spent learning and catching trout out of the river next to camp. We had mountain trout for dinner that night and it was wonderful. By the end of the trip, I ended up getting to see a bear and one more elk, and killed a couple of mountain grouse that were great to eat. The trip was a lot of fun.

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